Monday, September 10, 2007

Fringe Review: The Absurdyessy: An Epic…Comedy?

The Absurdyessy: An Epic…Comedy?
The Ampitheatre
September 9, 2007 7:30pm

The Green Leaf Circus Company's outdoor show has the most picturesque setting at the ampitheatre in Ron Basford Park, and this week luckily the finest weather. On an unusually warm September evening, there's more than a little feel of Bard on the Beach in this venue.

Part of the charm of the performance is the athletic grace of the circus performers. In addition to speaking their lines, the actors tumble, jump, climb, and juggle their parts.

A epic writer without an epic to write bemoans his lack of subject matter. His despair turns when he encounters a sorcerer who is seeking the Power of Nine. He hooks up with the sorcerer to chronicle his adventures. They encounter a warrior and the sorcerer does battle with him. The fight is a thrilling duel with fire torch staffs reminiscent of Darth Maul's double-bladed lightsaber.

Much to the writer's dismay the fight ends in a draw and the warrior, impressed by the sorcerer's skill, declares they are friends and joins the quest. The story of Gilgamesh has already been written, and the writer wants new dramatic material.

Unfortunately the second half of the play features too little acrobatics and too much exposition. Their encounter with a wise man is scripted like a university English seminar with all involved expounding on the cultural importance of stories. Even the climatic encounter with the dragon is full of impenetrable dialog rather than penetrating action.

It's too bad that a promising epic adventure comedy was hijacked by too serious writing. A more subtle approach would have fit the Fringe ethos and enlightened the audience as well. The power of the writer must be wielded wisely.

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