Friday, October 14, 2005

Concert Review: West Coast Symphony

West Coast Symphony
Christ Church Cathedral
Friday October 14 8:00pm

Under the steady hand of conductor Bujar Llapaj and with guest pianist Noel McRobbie, the West Coast Symphony put on a tremendous opening concert for their 2005-2006 season. With the depart of conductor Clyde Mitchell who challenged and grew the amateur orchestra artistically under his tenure I was wondering if that development would continue. Fortunately it sounds like it has.

The concert opened with Felix Mendelssohn's Hebrides Overture. While the title may not be familiar to everyone the music is instantly recognizable. The piece really suggests the sound of the crashing waves of the North Sea onto a Scottish beach on a dark and stormy night. I was definitely hankering for a wee dram to keep out the North Atlantic chill.

Also immediately recognizable are the first notes of Edvard Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 16. Guest pianist Noel Robbie's beautiful performance earned him an extended standing ovation.

Johannes Brahms' Symphony No. 4 in E minor, Op. 98 concluded the concert. I wasn't previously familiar with this piece. The third movement is joyous sounding and a contrast to the slow, brooding second movement.

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